
Monday 3 December 2012

Georgia and Sarah ballet break up

Georgia and Sarah received their ballet certificates last night. Sarah won the personality trophy and Georgia
won a medal for the second highest points in the exam. Well done girls!

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Ben's holiday in Australia

Ben gave us a great recount of his holiday in Australia. He had a superb time and told us some great stories helped by the lovely photobook Mrs Robb has put together. It made us all want to go!

Holly won a competition

Holly entered two pictures in the colouring competition run by the library and she won a voucher for a free DVD! Well done Holly!

Blaise's fossils

Blaise's poppa got these from a friend in Invercargill. They are fossils of a shell and ferns. We think they have been around for millions of years!

Sunday 28 October 2012

Monday 22 October 2012

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Penguins Prizegiving

Here is the class listening to the girls telling about the prizegiving

Penguin Badges

Tea, Grace and Myah have earnt these badges during their time at Penguins.

Tea's shirt

This is the shirt Tea won.

Penguins prize giving

Myah, Grace and Tea have become Super Penguins and have joined St. John's youth. They attended a prize giving last night. Tea won a special shirt for being a helpful penguin. Well done!

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Kapa Haka

12 of our students are away to the Kapa Haka festival in Invercargill today. They gave us a sneak peak of their performance yesterday. It was amazing! The Kapa Haka group has been fundraising for their new uniforms and they all look fantastic. We hope they all have a terrific day today. We are so proud of them!

James Hargest Band

We were very lucky to have the James Hargest Band from Invercargill  perform for us on Wednesday the 8th August. They were amazing! They played lots of different instruments like flutes, trombones, clarinets, drums and xylophone. They played a medley of songs from the Lion King movie as well as The Lord of the Rings. Sometimes the music started really softly and got louder and louder but in other songs we all got such a fright when the big drum was suddenly boomed. It was a great concert. Thank you for visiting us.

Cross Country

Man, the cross country was tiring!

Keiran races for the finish line chased by Reed, Annalee and Neleah

Go Molly!

On Friday the 3rd of August Room 5 took part in the Roxburgh Area School cross country at the Roxburgh Golf Course. We were very pleased that Millers Flat school joined us for this event. It was a good day for running and we all had a great time. We were all very proud of how well we ran. At the end Mr Pasco gave us an iceblock, it was very refreshing! Mr Moore handed out jelly beans, yum! It was great to see lots of parents there cheering us on.

Tuesday 24 July 2012


This term we are studying the Olympics for our topic. We have learnt that the Olympic rings have meanings, each colour represents a continent in the world. We have also learnt about the United Kingdom and London and how they are preparing to host Games. We learnt that the Olympic torch is a triangle because the number 3 represents the Olympic values of respect, excellence and friendship.
We are going to do a study on the individual countries and the sports that make up the Olympics. We can't wait for the Games to begin!

Sports Report

The regular rugby season is now finished for our Room 5 team apart from a seven-a-side tournament in Alexandra this coming weekend and the Millers Flat tournament on the 4th of August. Last weekend our team was lucky enough to play Alexandra Black in a friendly game in Alexandra. We lost 7-3, but we all had a good game. This Thursday we are playing another friendly against Heriot at the Roxburgh Rugby Grounds at 4.30pm. Come along and watch us play a great game of rugby!

The Teviot Racers (Year 4) netball team played against the Clyde Diamonds last Saturday. We won the game 4-1 but it was a real challenge. Player of the day was Georgia, well done!

The Teviot Monkeys (Year 3) netball team played against the Alexandra Keas last Saturday. They welcomed 2 new players to their team, Blaise and Jessamy. The Monkeys had a really tough game and lost 6-1. Player of the day was Meg from Millers Flat.

Neleah  plays hockey for Alexandra Primary B Gold and they were playing in Cromwell against Upper Clutha last Saturday. They had a good win 7-0 and they are now top of the points board. Well done Neleah!

We are all looking forward to our games this weekend and hoping for warm weather!

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Maori Art Week

For the past week the junior syndicate has been involved in a Maori Art Week. We have done 4 different activities including kites, 3D Maori myths, Maui and the sun pictures and newspaper mural art. We have used dye, chalk, pastel and crayons to create these masterpieces! They all look fantastic, come and visit us to see them on the class walls.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Rippa Rugby Central Otago Finals

Try! We won! On Friday the Year 4 Rippa Rugby team went to Cromwell to play in the Central Otago Finals! There were teams from the Wanaka area, Queenstown area as well as teams from the Alexandra area and there were 3 separate grades, year 3/4, year 5/6 and year 7/8 so there were heaps of players and supporters! When we got to Cromwell it was chilly but we soon got used to it. Our first game was at 10 o'clock against Arrowtown. We thought we lost but it was actually a draw. Sadly, we lost our next 2 games but we came alive in game 4 and won the next 2. We were really proud of how we played and hope that we can do it all again next year.
Many thanks to Mr Groters for coaching us and to all the parents who came and supported us.

Annalee races to the try line with Joe, Brayden, Matiu and Troy in support.

Neleah's got the ball and Brayden and Reed are there to catch her pass!

Roxburgh Area School Year 4 Rippa Rugby Team

Matiu dodges the oppostion with Reed, Ben and Annalee following close behind!

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Goldfields Mining Centre Visit

Room 5 at the Goldfields Mining Centre

Here we are at the Goldfields Mining Centre in the Kawarau Gorge on Wednesday 30th May.We were there to learn about gold and pan some gold because we are studying gold with Mrs Hill during topic. We are sitting on the steps by the Chinese huts. We are all VERY cold. Dave the tour guide showed us around the village. We saw a stamper battery and a sluice gun working. Man, it was loud! We also saw a cradle. The huts were very small, so were the beds!

2 very large gold nuggets

Wow! Look at these big pieces of gold. They were very heavy. the small one is from Central Otago and the bigger one is from Australia. We all got to hold the nuggets and found out that gold is different colours in different countries and different areas. It was cool to touch the gold!

Molly, Willow, Esse and Vivian outside an old hut

We are on a tour of the Goldfields Mining Centre. We are standing outside the Chinese hut near the stamper battery. Inside the hut there is a pan, stretcher bed and a fireplace. It was carefully made out of stone and the floor was made out of wood. Even though it was awesome it is just a reconstruction because the real Chinese huts wouldn't have had any wood as there wasn't much wood available.

Luke, Matiu, Ben, Troy, and Clyde closely watching the gold panning demonstration.

Dave showed us how to gold pan. After he had finished his demonstration he found a little speck of gold and gave it to Reed. Now that we knew how to gold pan, he let us have a turn. We had to put gravel in the pan, dip it in the water and shake it lots and lots! If you found gold you put it in a tube with water and got to keep it. Lots of Room 5 found gold. Our hands were freezing at the end!

Annalee, Clyde, Reed and rest of Room 5 look for gold in the bottom of the pan.

Dave the tour guide taught us how to gold pan. Dave was cheeky! There were long troughs full of freezing cold water. First we got a pan and shoveled gravel into it. We put lead pellets on the gravel because lead is only slightly lighter than gold so if we still had the pellets in the pan when we were finished we had done it right! Then we put the pans in the freezing cold water and swirled it around. We took the big rocks out. It took a lot of hard work but most of the class found gold. We had a great time gold panning.

Annabell and Tea in front of a gold display at Alexandra Museum
When we left the Goldfields Mining Centre we went to the Alexandra museum. Annabelle and Tea are standing in front of a display which had 28 different types of gold that was all found in the Central Otago area.We had a little treasure hunt where we had to find the answers to some gold mining questions. Shani was our guide at the museum and she told us a lot of interesting facts about gold and dredges. She gave us all a sticker. We left the museum to go home after a long but fun day.

Room 5 looking at paintings created to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the discovery of gold in  Central Otago

We went to the Alexandra Art Gallery which is part of the Museum. Mrs Hill read us a poem about a Scottish miner finding gold while we looked at the paintings that matched the poem. The paintings were done for the 100th anniversary of finding gold in Central Otago and are on display again because we are now celebrating the 150th anniversary of the discovery of gold.we were all very tired when we got to the Gallery but it was worth it because we had a spectacular day.

A big thank you to all the parents who helped to make this such a memorable day for room 5!

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Rippa Rugby Tournament

Year 3 Rippa Rugby team

Year 4 Rippa Rugby team
Brrr! It is freezing up here! On Monday most of Room 5 went to Alexandra to play in a Rippa Rugby Tournament. It was a really cold start to the day but got warmer as we played. We had a year 3 and a year 4 team entered in the competition. We all did really well, but the year 4 team came runners up in the section and are now going onto the Central Otago finals in Cromwell next month. The year 4 team played 7 games and the year 3's played 5, so we were all really tired that night. We had a really great day and learnt lots of new skills. Many thanks to all our coaches for teaching us and to the parents who came and supported us.

Monday 21 May 2012

Kids for Kids Concert

Roxburgh Area School Kids for Kids choir.

Suzanne Prentice with the choir.

Wow! What a day! Early on Thursday morning a group of Room 5 students left Roxburgh to go to Gore to sing as part of the mass choir in  the Kids for Kids concert with Suzanne Prentice. We had a practice in the morning with Suzanne Prentice and the rest of the choir which was made up of children from schools around Gore. After that we went to St Mary's School to have our lunch, have a play in their playground and then we watched a movie. We had lollipops! Thank you Mrs Wilson! Our next stop was a visit to the museum, art gallery and the library. The library was awesome! Then it was time for tea. Many of us went to McDonalds. It was yummy! Finally the time had arrived for the concert. We were feeling nervous and excited! We got out on stage, the curtain went up and there were lots of people looking at us! We could see lots of parents out in the audience. It was so amazing to be singing with Suzanne Prentice in front of so many people. It was so funny when Suzanne Prentice came out dressed up as a school boy to sing "Hello Mother, Hello Father". When we were singing "Putting on the Ritz" a giant cat called Theodore came out on stage. He was so hilarious! The conductor was really cool, he had big, boofy hair. Shanae and Kaela were chosen to sing solos, we are so proud of them. We all had a fabulous day. We were all pretty tired but it was worth it!

Sunday 13 May 2012

Room 5 Sports results

Room 5 have played 3 different kinds of sports over the weekend, rugby, netball and hockey.
The Under 9's rugby team played Matakanui in Omakau and won their game 12 tries to nil. Players of the day were Troy and Reed. Well done!
The Netball Racers (Year 4) won their first game against the Alexandra Weka 6-0 and lost their second game against Terrace Navy 1-3.Player of the day was Ella from Millers Flat.
The Netball Monkeys (Year 3) won against Cromwell and lost to Alexandra. Player of the day was Willow. Well done Willow!
Neleah was playing hockey in Alexandra on Saturday and won 3-2 against Terrace.
What a great weekend of sport for Room 5!

Autumn Poem Photos

Here are some photos of our autumn poems. They look amazing! Come in and have a read!

Thursday 10 May 2012

Our Autumn Poems

This week we went on an autumn  leaf walk. We found heaps of different leaves. We painted the back of the leaves and pushed them down hard on a piece of paper.  They made a print and they looked awesome.  We wrote autumn poems and pasted them on the prints.  They are now on the wall in our classroom.  They look very cool and the poems are amazing - come and read them!! 

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Pirate Ships!

In Room 4 maths, we made pirate ships! We are learning about millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres. We had to draw the pirate ships to a plan we were given, with all the right measurements. Our teacher was called Captain Blood!!! We did all our measurements in metres, and it was fun!

Jessamy, Sarah and Myah in their pirate ship.

Cinquain poems

We are starting to do poetry for writing this term, which is going to be a lot of fun!
These are our amazing cinquain poems. Cinquain is french for five-line poems.

Here is one:

Colourful tumbling
Falling floating playing
We love autumn leaves

Monday 30 April 2012

Safety first!

Room 5 are very lucky to have been given a set of safety bag covers. They are bright yellow so when it is foggy the cars can see you when they drive past. Any one of us that walks or bikes  to school, or waits by the road for the bus, can have one of these to help keep them safe.


Here is the korowai that Room 5 made.
It is so bright and colourful! Room 5 put lots of effort into making this.
It tell us our school values, manaakitanga, the importance of respect, and all about the wonderful individuals that we have in this class!

Vincent Tournament

On Saturday many of the Room 5 children were playing in the Vincent Tournament in Alexandra. Some Year 4s were playing netball, and Year 3s and 4s were involved in two different rugby teams. The weather was kind, and Alexandra turned on a perfect day. Everyone had a great day, and it was a brilliant start to the winter sport season.
Well done the Under 8 rugby team, who won their division undefeated! Fantastic effort.

Under 8 rugby team

Wednesday 25 April 2012

St Johns at ANZAC day

On the 25th of April. St Johns marched proudly for the ANZAC Day parade. We were all dressed up in our uniforms. We marched from St Johns to the war memorial outside the library, where everyone met up. We listened to some speeches and music from the Roxburgh brass band. We had to stand quietly and still. ANZAC Day is a chance to remember all the people who fought and died for us.

St John's Penguins: Tea, Shahni, Ben, Myah and Grace.